Compressed air is a simple mechanic that can be used on the work site, in a factory setting, and is used to power a host of different tools. Despite having been developed decades ago, compressed air is still alive and well, and is being used in many different settings. It is widely used both commercially and residentially, but the primary focus of a large, industrial sized air compressor is the factory setting.
Just like your car engine, pistons push down on an air and gasoline mixture that compresses it inside a tank. In your car, the mixture is then heated and ignited to produce the hot air needed to produce power. Similarly, in an industrial air compressor, a piston pushes down on the air inside a tank, pressurizing it. The tank itself is able to store a large amount of compressed air, ready to be used at any time for any number of different tools.
Air compressors are extremely versatile and as such, the industrial world requires them for many different things. For instance, air compressors are used to power a host of air driven tools such as paint sprayers, sanders, belts, drills, pneumatic tools, and more. These are especially common in automotive or auto body shops where compressed air is used to power almost every tool there, including lifts. Commercially, compressors can be used in the home and are used to inflate tools, pools, car tires, and even powering smaller, commercial sized pneumatic tools. Due to the advancements and developments of technology, the demand for these industrial air compressors has grown, and the prices for them have gone down over the years. The tools for these air compressors are sometimes bundled into a package and sold with them, or easily bought locally. Pressure washers are a great example because they consist of an air compressor and a garden hose attached, combining pressurized air and water to make pressurized water. These pressurized washers are great for cleaning concrete, cars, siding, and decks.
Consumer electronics, especially computers, are also utilizing the powers of compressed air. Due to their static nature that attracts a large amount of dust within them, compressed air is used to clean many computers of dust and other particles. These mini compressed air cans are an ideal way to clean your computer and can be found virtually anywhere.
The technology involved in industrial air compressors has been dramatically upgraded over the decades. Air compressors can be made to very specific measurements, improving on already existing parts, and keeping maintenance on these machines low.