  • Removing Moisture with Industrial Refrigerated Air Dryers

    Moisture is the enemy of industrial equipment that uses compressed air to function. In order to maintain and protect this often expensive equipment, this moisture is removed by industrial refrigerated air dryers. Here’s a brief overview of how industrial refrigerated air dryers work and how they are used.

    Compressed air results in a concentration of atmospheric elements such as water vapor. Condensed air will condense moisture within the pipes which transport the air away from the compressor. This excessive moisture in the compressed air can cause several problems such as corrosion of equipment, freezing of the air lines that are outdoors, and depositing minerals and other elements throughout the equipment.

    An industrial refrigerated air dryer eliminates this moisture by means of a process that helps to filter and collect the water vapor and then drain it from the air lines. Product specifications for refrigerated air dryers found online suggest that there are two circuits at work. They also note that this industrial refrigerated air dryer delivers a dew point of about 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Refrigerated dryers employ two heat exchanges, air-to-air and air-to-refrigerant. This process causes the moisture in the compressed air to condense and then the system allows the liquid to be drained away. The outgoing air is then warmed by the air-to-heat exchanger to preclude the outside of pipes from sweating.

    The other part of the process involves the refrigeration compressor pumping high pressure refrigerant into the condenser of the unit. This transfers heat from the refrigerant gas to the ambient air when the gas turns into liquid. The refrigerant enters the air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger where the hot, compressed air is absorbed into the cold refrigerant and this further reduces the water vapor and substances.

    Industrial refrigerated air dryers are used in industrial settings that require dry, compressed air. Industries that use pneumatic control systems and pneumatic tools will realize the benefits from these industrial refrigerated air dryers, which goes hand in hand with proper maintenance needed for all industrial tools.

  • Condensate Filters: Do You Need One?

    Condensate filters are not mandatory for the operation of an air compressor. However, discharge of condensate is often regulated by local municipalities. Condensate filters ensure that toxic contaminants are safely separated for easy management of condensate. The combination of oil and water that comprise condensate are difficult to dispose of safely if not filtered. Installing a condensate filter is the environmentally conscious and responsible thing to do.

    An air compressor works by using mechanical force to increase air pressure within a contained tank. As the air is compressed, it heats under pressure as it is introduced into the receiving tank. The initial heating will cause any water molecules in the air to vaporize, but the air cooling that occurs in the aftercooler and receiving tank will condense the vapor into a liquid. This is how water gets into the system. In addition to the ambient air moisture that is drawn into a compressor system at the air intake, the compressor's machinery also contributes to the condensate pool.

    The moving parts of an air compressor must be lubricated to ensure a long operating life with limited wear. Unfortunately, atomized amounts of the oils and lubricants used in air compressors find their way into the pressurized air of the system. As the air is circulated from the compression cylinder to the receiver and output, the condensate will collect in several low areas of the system because the water and oil molecules are heavier. Blowing the condensate out through a release valve will discharge atomized particles of contaminants that include abrasive solids, compressor lubricants, and condensed water droplets, and these substances can be acidic. Continual discharge of these contaminants can be bad for operators and the environment.

    A condensate filter is designed to separate the hazardous chemicals from the safe water for responsible disposal. The way this works is the filtration unit will usually attach to one of the compressor's existing blow-downs. The pressure of the air inside is used to push out water droplets and hazardous chemicals that are trapped inside the system. As the contaminants are introduced into the condensate filtration unit, they pass through a filter that will catch oils and hazardous debris while allowing water droplets to pass through. The end result is a container full of safe water that can be disposed in any drain. The filter is a consumable that must periodically be changed and properly disposed of by following hazardous material handling protocols. Condensate filters are effective in protecting operators while providing safe HAZMAT handling in an inexpensive manner.

  • Why you need an Air Demand Analysis

    Designing a new compressed air system includes hiring a professional engineer to complete an Air Demand Analysis to customize the system according to your needs and usage in order to optimize performance and efficiency. The professional engineer will perform a series of tests and use that information to create a detailed analysis, which will help develop a compressed air system for you that has environmental, energy, and cost benefits.

    Accurate and valuable data will be gathered throughout the process that will be used to optimize your system. Air consumption profiles will determine which system is best suited for your operation. Everything including the type of compressor and its layout is completely tailored and designed case-by-case. This step is highly recommended due to the amount of energy savings it guarantees, which translates into a significant amount of money saved over time.

    Energy costs can be significantly reduced when an Air Demand Analysis accompanies a new system. This is significant because electricity is by far the highest cost of operating it. The goal of the process is to meet all your requirements while keeping the amount of pressure used to a minimum. This is achieved by matching you with the appropriate device and then customizing its features and layout.

    The Air Demand Analysis consists of a few steps. First, air demand and other data is collected. Second, that data is used to appoint the best systems. Third, each system is tested vigorously to determine its power consumption and overall efficiency when faced with the variables of your working operation. Fourth, the best system is selected and then tailored to fit. It is even possible for you to view a detailed 3D image of your system before it is installed.

    The professional engineer will be able to provide a realistic prediction of energy savings. You will have the opportunity to compare the extremes of having an Air Analysis and not having one to get a true picture of its necessity. The best systems are durable and have optimal performance. The professional will do everything to ensure you have the best system.

    An Air Demand Analysis is a very important step when designing and selecting a compressed air system. A professional engineer or vendor will perform tests to determine the system that will perform best in your environment and save the greatest amount on energy. It will be completely designed and tailored to your needs to ensure maximum performance, reliability, and efficiency.

  • Using Energy Saving Refrigerated and Desiccant Air Dryers

    When it comes to removing contaminants from your industrial air compressor system, there are two primary types of dryers that are used: desiccant dryers and refrigerated dryers. Each one of these different types of dryers has its own practical purpose, and each one is effective at removing moisture, condensates, and contaminants from the air.

    Contaminants build up in the air compressor system when air is heated through the compressor machine before being pushed out in the form of energy. This heat allows moisture, such as water vapor, to begin building up in the system. On top of the moisture, liquid and non-liquid contaminants, such as oil and dust, will also build up. Removing these condensates is a vital step in the industrial air compressor maintenance process.

    A refrigerated dryer is the first type of dryer that can be used. This device runs on the simple premise of condensation. By cooling the air as it passes through the valves in the system, moisture droplets that contain water vapor, dust, oil, and other contaminants will be drained into a large tank or an external unit.  These dryers come in two forms, cycling and non-cycling, and the appropriate dryer to use for your system will depend on its specs and your individual requirements.

    A desiccant dryer is the alternative to a refrigerated dryer, although desiccant dryers have been around for much longer. In this system, the compressed air is not cooled, but instead passes through chambers of disiccants which are moisture removing packs that absorb water vapor and contaminents in the water vapor. These packs can be easily disposed and replaced with routine maintenance, and are a great way to keep your industrial air compressor running in top shape.

    When it comes to saving energy, desiccant dryers are always a smart choice because they do not use much additional power compared to the refrigerated dryers. However, newer and better refrigerated dryers are becoming available that use heat exchangers to cool the air to optimal levels and not overcompensate for the air outside the system. This allows the energy costs of a refrigerated dryer to remain low, while also keeping maintenance and repair costs down.

    A final possible solution to saving energy while still removing contaminents properly and throuroughly is to use a combination of both a desiccant and refrigerated dryer. The desiccant dryer will remove any moisture from the system in the intial stages of compression, while a low-power refrigerated dryer is used to finish the job down the line. By utilizing this system, not only do you save money on the maintenance of both dryers, but the low power refrigerated dryer will keep energy costs down, saving you and your business a great deal of money.

  • Common Terms to Learn When Dealing with Air Compressors

    If you are dealing with air compressors, there are many terms you will come across that may be essential to understand. Knowing the meaning of these terms will give you a better understanding of what you are dealing with when it comes to air compressors and any issues that may arise.

    First, we will go over some of the basic components of air compressors. The air regulator is used to gauge how much air is being disbursed from the tank. The check valve makes sure all the air is flowing in one direction. The line pressure gauge measures how much air is in the hose that supplies the tool with air. This is important to avoid injury or damage to the tool. The tank is the largest part of the compressor. It holds the air until it is ready to be used by the tool. The tank pressure gauge determines how much air is available to use in the tank.

    The next thing to learn are technical terms involved when dealing with air compressors. PSI or "pounds per square inch" is the measure of how much force is being delivered by the compressor to the tool. A typical painting tool will require 40-50 PSI, while some hand tools require around 100 PSI.

    ASME stands for American Society of Mechanical Engineers. An ASME certified tank has certain welding standards that must be adhered to in order to be called an ASME certified tank. In order to be in code on certain jobs, an ASME certified tank is required for any work with air tools.

    Cubic feet per minute, or CFM, is the amount of air being delivered from the compressor to the tool. Compressors with higher CFPM ratings provide more air.
    A single stage compressor has one cylinder. It is usually used for smaller jobs, such as painting. A two stage compressor has two or more cylinders. These are commonly used for jobs that require higher PSI or will be in use for longer periods of time.

    Tool ratings are the types of tools that are compatible with a compressor. The size of the compressor and the output determine what types of tools can be used with it. Depending on how much the tool will be used and for how long can determine the tool rating.

    Knowing these common terms and more technical terms will help you understand air compressors better and hopefully put you on the right track to buying one.